Chris and Steph's Infertility Journey

Thursday, January 26, 2006

It's out!

I had my post-op appointment yesterday. It went really well. I finally got the catheter out. I was still a little sore afterwards, but I could tell a difference immediately. I asked if we could try another DIUI next cycle instead of waiting a cycle and he said it would be fine, so we're going for it! YAY!! I don't think any of my family actually reads this at this point, so I'm not too worried about them seeing this. I haven't told them that we're trying next month because if it works, I want it to be a surprise (again).

I was cleared yesterday to exercise, have sex, and come back to work (today). Well, we decided to try one of those out last night. was great and there was no pain, however, afterwards, I was bleeding quite a bit and then I started cramping. This morning I'm still bleeding a little and cramping. Kind of like a light day of AF. If it keeps going, I'll call the clinic. I haven't really bled the whole time since surgery. I'm also curious to see how work goes today. Especially with the cramping and the mood swings.

Speaking of mood swings, I asked about stopping or reducing the premarin, and that's a no go. Oh well. So, here's the plan. I keep taking the premarin (estrogen) until Feb. 10. On Feb. 3 I start Provera. That should get AF started around Feb. 13-20 (Happy Birthday to me!). On CD3, I start Clomid. CD13 I go in for a follicle scan and we go from there! I may be having a Thanksgiving baby!!


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