Chris and Steph's Infertility Journey

Tuesday, January 31, 2006


I thought I'd get used to these mood swings. I've noticed it's not just crying anymore. I get irritable easier. And I have trouble understanding people and concepts. It's making work difficult. It's also making getting along with people difficult! Poor Chris is having a hard time with me. He's trying, but I can tell he's getting frustrated. Ten more days. I wonder what the combination of Provera and Premarin will do to my moods. I start that this Friday. I know lots of women in menopause take estrogen, but I guess it's to even out their moods and make them normal. I was normal (well, at least my MOODS were! HA!) before this!

My first day back at work last week was ROUGH. By lunch, I was dragging. I had no idea it would be that hard. Friday was MUCH better. This week is hard because it's month-end, which is a very busy time and I have a heavy workload, but I think I'm fully recovered now. I did end up calling the clinic about the bleeding. They said it was ok, as long as it didn't continue for days, which it didn't.


  • At 1:16 PM, Blogger DarrellH said…

    Good luck with your DIUI!!! Hormones give me heck as well, grrr. So does pregnancy- lol. I cry at anything now and I hope you will be soon too!!


  • At 7:28 AM, Blogger Heather P. said…

    Hope that everything is good running order!!!! LOL I hope that this is exactly what you needed for the bfp!!


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