I'm either 8dpo or 10dpo, so I didn't really expect a whole lot, but a girl can hope, right? I'll test again on Thursday. If I actually ovulated on the day of my IUI, it should show up by then. But if I ovulated 2 days later, as my temps indicate, it probably still won't show. I suppose I won't be too upset if I get another BFN. Then I'll test again Saturday, which will make me 12dpo if I o'd on the latter date. I should get AF, if I'm not pg, either Sunday or Tuesday.
At 7:01 PM,
DarrellH said…
Don't be too quick to rule out a pregnancy when you get early BFNs. I had a BFN at 17 dpIUI and an extremely light BFP at 18 dpo with my son.
Best of luck!!! :)
Jen @
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