Chris and Steph's Infertility Journey

Friday, March 03, 2006

6dpIUI (6 days past intra uterine insemination)

I tested! It's already negative, so I guess all the HCG is out of my system. YAY!! I'm a little concerned that they didn't give me enough to make me ovulate on time. I took an HPT 2 days after the shot (1dpIUI) and the second line was VERY faint. I would think it would've been stronger that early after the shot. PLUS, my temps stayed low, dipped on Monday, and rose on Tuesday. So, I might have ovulated on Monday, cd19, which is late for being on Clomid, but about right for my normal, non-medicated cycles. I'm not sure what to think about that. I'm planning on testing at 12dpIUI, which is Thursday, March 9th. If I O'd later, though, that's only 10dpIUI and it will be negative. I suppose I'll just take it as it comes. I just don't want to get my BFP on the weekend. I want to be able to go to the clinic and get a blood test and confirm it that day.


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