The wait begins! (again)
Today's insemination went beautifully. The count was 129million, with 40million motile sperm. They like to see over 10million in a thawed sample, so it was like having FOUR vials. :-) Here's the coolest part: when the nurse got the catheter in my cervix and attached the syringe of sperm, she looked at Chris and said, "You wanna do this?" He just looked at her and said, "Do what??" She said, "Push the plunger on the syringe." He looked at me and I said, "Heck yeah!" So he pushed the plunger in and sent the swimmers on their way to meet my two waiting eggs. He had the biggest grin on his face after that. I think it really helped his mood (he's having a very stressful day at work). It was really neat for me, too, and now I can say my husband got me pregnant. LOL.
I really feel great about this month. Everything was SO perfect. Oh, and I have been having O pains for 4 days now and they got really sharp around noon today and I haven't had any pain since. I think I ovulated at noon, just 3 hours before the IUI. I don't think the timing could have been more perfect.
So if this cycle works, we'll wait until after the first trimester and order more of this same donor for a future sibling. If it doesn't work, we're going to select another donor. We'll have a donor chosen (we're using Xytex this time-they have more selection and online catalogs) so we can order it as soon as we know we need it. My RE likes to do things in rounds of 3, which is why we bought 3 vials of the first donor. He had said after 3 IUIs, we'd reevaluate the situation.
Here's my dilemma: if I wait to see if this cycle fails, I'd have NO time to get in to see him, discuss what he wants us to do, etc. Plus, the nurse said he usually goes to injectibles after 3 failed Clomid cycles. That means going to an injection class, which is only held on Tuesdays at 1pm. I should see AF on a Wednesday, so the class would be too late to make next cycle work. We'd lose a whole cycle. Soooo...I have an appointment with him tomorrow to discuss our options in case this one fails. If he wants to do injectibles, I can go to the class next Tuesday, and be ready to order the meds as soon as AF shows, if she does. He may not even want to do injectibles, since I've only had 2 cycles since my surgery, but I don't want to take the chance of missing a cycle, you know?
Whew, that was long-winded. I really do feel optimistic about this cycle, but I'm doing all this just in case. The only thing worse than this cycle failing would be having a whole month to think about how and why it failed without being able to try again.
I really feel great about this month. Everything was SO perfect. Oh, and I have been having O pains for 4 days now and they got really sharp around noon today and I haven't had any pain since. I think I ovulated at noon, just 3 hours before the IUI. I don't think the timing could have been more perfect.
So if this cycle works, we'll wait until after the first trimester and order more of this same donor for a future sibling. If it doesn't work, we're going to select another donor. We'll have a donor chosen (we're using Xytex this time-they have more selection and online catalogs) so we can order it as soon as we know we need it. My RE likes to do things in rounds of 3, which is why we bought 3 vials of the first donor. He had said after 3 IUIs, we'd reevaluate the situation.
Here's my dilemma: if I wait to see if this cycle fails, I'd have NO time to get in to see him, discuss what he wants us to do, etc. Plus, the nurse said he usually goes to injectibles after 3 failed Clomid cycles. That means going to an injection class, which is only held on Tuesdays at 1pm. I should see AF on a Wednesday, so the class would be too late to make next cycle work. We'd lose a whole cycle. Soooo...I have an appointment with him tomorrow to discuss our options in case this one fails. If he wants to do injectibles, I can go to the class next Tuesday, and be ready to order the meds as soon as AF shows, if she does. He may not even want to do injectibles, since I've only had 2 cycles since my surgery, but I don't want to take the chance of missing a cycle, you know?
Whew, that was long-winded. I really do feel optimistic about this cycle, but I'm doing all this just in case. The only thing worse than this cycle failing would be having a whole month to think about how and why it failed without being able to try again.
At 5:05 AM,
ColourYourWorld said…
Good on you for having the next step prepared, if nothing else it makes you feel like you are being productive.
That was great that the nurse let Chris do the insem.
I have everything crossed that you wont have to move on to injectables and this one is it !
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