Chris and Steph's Infertility Journey

Monday, March 27, 2006

One more day...

I went in this morning, as scheduled. Over the weekend, my OPKs went negative and haven't gone positive again, so I knew either I had not ovulated or I had missed it completely. Well, good news! No ovulation yet. But, the nurse said my follicle size, lining thickness, and timing was PERFECT. Her words. I have an 18x18mm on the left and a 19x22 on the right!!! I got a trigger shot and will go in tomorrow afternoon for the IUI. I never check CM, but I couldn't help notice that I have EWCM today. AND, my temp dropped. AND, I've been having O pains since Saturday. This is going to be a perfect ovulation. I'm SO excited! I have twice as much of a chance since there is a follicle on each side. And I have a better shot of twins. YAY!!!


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