Change of plans!
A LOT has happened since my last (first) post. We went to our IVF consult and the doc talked a lot about Chris' problem and what could be causing it. We thought it was due to excessive xrays as an adolescent for hip problems. The doc said that's probably not it. He doesn't think that can cause problems NOW, it just killed his sperm then, but more should have been made. He said he wanted to do some extensive bloodwork on Chris to see if there was a chromosomal abnormality or another obvious problem. He also wanted to get cd3 bloodwork on me and schedule an HSG.
That weekend, we talked a lot about the possibility of a problem with his offspring and about using a donor. The more we discussed it, the more Chris wanted to just use a donor. I was still unsure about this, mainly because I was afraid he would be losing out on that biological connection. After several days, I finally told him I agreed. I wanted to use a donor. Even if his tests came back normal, we knew it would be easier, cheaper, and less risky to go with a donor. And since we were both completely fine with the idea, this wasn't really a hard decision.
We called the clinic and asked for the donor profiles. This was around Nov. 1, which was the second day of my cycle. We asked if there was any way possible to do a donor IUI this cycle. They said that shouldn't be a problem and scheduled me to come in for a consult with the nurse on the 4th and for my HSG on Nov. 7 (cd8). In the meantime, we looked through all the profiles and both agreed on the same donor. His hair and eye color are different than Chris', but the blood type is the same, and he has some Cherokee background, which was important to Chris.
When we went in for the consult, we signed all the paperwork and gave the nurse our 1st, 2nd, and 3rd choice donors. She said she couldn't order the vials (we decided on 3) until we had the HSG, got the bloodwork back (pre-IUI work to check for HIV, hepatitis, etc.), and had a mandatory psych evaluation. By now, I was on cd5 and knew I only had 9-10 days before I ovulated and we had to give the sperm a day or two to be shipped from the bank.
I called the psychologist and she was on vacation until the 7th. I left a message, which was returned on the 6th (Sunday!). She said her first available appointment was Nov. 15 (cd16). I cried and begged and pleaded with her to fit us in. I kept picturing this perfect IUI cycle where we would find out around Thanksgiving and be able to surprise our parents (who still, to this day, think we're doing IVF next year-we had to wait because of money). She said she couldn't see me unless she had a cancellation. I was devastated.
The next day, I had my HSG. OMG, that was the most painful thing I've ever been through. Some people don't feel a thing. I wasn't that lucky. Then I started to panic. I had heard it only hurts if there's a blockage. However, my tubes were clear. On the down side, I found out I have a septum (wall) in my uterus. The doc said it won't keep me from getting pg, but it could cause a m/c. He said it can be fixed surgically, but he wanted to give the IUI 3 shots first.
The next day (cd 9), I got a call from the therapist. She had a cancellation and could see us the next day!! Hallelujah! We passed the 'test' of course. I called the clinic, they ordered the sperm, and told me to come in for an u/s to measure follicles on Friday (cd12). I usually O around cd15, so something would show up. They were planning on doing the HSG trigger shot that day and the IUI Sat. morning.
I went in on Friday and got more bad news (I'm starting to hate going to doctors' offices by now-I always get bad news. Anyway, NO follicles. Nothing. They said just to use my fertility monitor and come in when I get a surge and they would do the IUI. All weekend, I worried about getting that surge, but it didn't happen. I tried to relax by going out of town with Chris and another TTC couple I met online. We had a GREAT relaxing weekend.
Monday (cd16), still no surge. But there should at least be a big follicle, so I called the clinic and asked for an u/s. They said to come on in that day. The biggest one they found was 9x11, very immature. The nurse talked to the doc and came back and said, "You need to take Clomid next cycle." I was shocked. Next CYCLE?? What happened to this one? Is it over? She said the doc doesn't think I'm going to O and if AF hasn't shown by the 30th, call for some Provera to induce AF. Well, I kept temping and kept using the monitor. cd16, cd17, cd18. The days were ticking by and I couldn't figure out what the hell happened this month. Well, on cd19, I got a surge!! I was SO excited. I called the clinic and they said to come in the next morning for my IUI!!
I had the IUI on the 19th (cd20) and my temp rose on the 21st (cd22). I must have O'd on the night of cd20 or morning of cd21. Either way, the timing was right. In the meantime, I had already scheduled another consult with the RE (hadn't seen him since the IVF consult) for Tuesday, the 22nd (yesterday). I had a lot of questions about the septum, wanted to get Chris' bloodwork results, and wanted to see what my chances of getting pg this cycle were.
The appointment was great! Chris' tests were all normal, except a slightly elevated FSH, indicating testicular failure. He said it's probably genetic and if we had a son, could be passed on. We were still convinced (and still ARE) that donor IUI is the best route for us, so that was no longer a concern. He said my septum would need to be fixed surgically if I get pg and miscarry, or if we do 3 cycles and don't get pg. I'm happy with that answer. He also seemed concerned about my late O and wanted to make sure it DID happen, so he ordered a progesterone test. A level above 10 at 5-7dpo would indicate that I did O.
Today, I got the call from the clinic that my level was 10.4!! It's already there and I was only 2dpo. That's good! So now we just wait for December 1st, when I can test. For now, not many people know what we're doing. We're planning on being 'wide open' about the donor process, telling the child from a young age and anyone else that wants to know. However, I would LOVE to be able to surprise my parents at Christmas with a pregnancy announcement, so I'm keeping it quiet for a little bit longer. If this cycle doesn't work, I'll tell them what we're doing. For now, my sister, one coworker at my work, one at Chris' work, and my online friends know.
Wow, that was long, but so much has happened. Hopefully, there's more to come in about 8 days!! I'll only be 12dpo, but the doc said I could test then if I wanted. I can't guarantee I'll wait that long, but I'm going to try!
That weekend, we talked a lot about the possibility of a problem with his offspring and about using a donor. The more we discussed it, the more Chris wanted to just use a donor. I was still unsure about this, mainly because I was afraid he would be losing out on that biological connection. After several days, I finally told him I agreed. I wanted to use a donor. Even if his tests came back normal, we knew it would be easier, cheaper, and less risky to go with a donor. And since we were both completely fine with the idea, this wasn't really a hard decision.
We called the clinic and asked for the donor profiles. This was around Nov. 1, which was the second day of my cycle. We asked if there was any way possible to do a donor IUI this cycle. They said that shouldn't be a problem and scheduled me to come in for a consult with the nurse on the 4th and for my HSG on Nov. 7 (cd8). In the meantime, we looked through all the profiles and both agreed on the same donor. His hair and eye color are different than Chris', but the blood type is the same, and he has some Cherokee background, which was important to Chris.
When we went in for the consult, we signed all the paperwork and gave the nurse our 1st, 2nd, and 3rd choice donors. She said she couldn't order the vials (we decided on 3) until we had the HSG, got the bloodwork back (pre-IUI work to check for HIV, hepatitis, etc.), and had a mandatory psych evaluation. By now, I was on cd5 and knew I only had 9-10 days before I ovulated and we had to give the sperm a day or two to be shipped from the bank.
I called the psychologist and she was on vacation until the 7th. I left a message, which was returned on the 6th (Sunday!). She said her first available appointment was Nov. 15 (cd16). I cried and begged and pleaded with her to fit us in. I kept picturing this perfect IUI cycle where we would find out around Thanksgiving and be able to surprise our parents (who still, to this day, think we're doing IVF next year-we had to wait because of money). She said she couldn't see me unless she had a cancellation. I was devastated.
The next day, I had my HSG. OMG, that was the most painful thing I've ever been through. Some people don't feel a thing. I wasn't that lucky. Then I started to panic. I had heard it only hurts if there's a blockage. However, my tubes were clear. On the down side, I found out I have a septum (wall) in my uterus. The doc said it won't keep me from getting pg, but it could cause a m/c. He said it can be fixed surgically, but he wanted to give the IUI 3 shots first.
The next day (cd 9), I got a call from the therapist. She had a cancellation and could see us the next day!! Hallelujah! We passed the 'test' of course. I called the clinic, they ordered the sperm, and told me to come in for an u/s to measure follicles on Friday (cd12). I usually O around cd15, so something would show up. They were planning on doing the HSG trigger shot that day and the IUI Sat. morning.
I went in on Friday and got more bad news (I'm starting to hate going to doctors' offices by now-I always get bad news. Anyway, NO follicles. Nothing. They said just to use my fertility monitor and come in when I get a surge and they would do the IUI. All weekend, I worried about getting that surge, but it didn't happen. I tried to relax by going out of town with Chris and another TTC couple I met online. We had a GREAT relaxing weekend.
Monday (cd16), still no surge. But there should at least be a big follicle, so I called the clinic and asked for an u/s. They said to come on in that day. The biggest one they found was 9x11, very immature. The nurse talked to the doc and came back and said, "You need to take Clomid next cycle." I was shocked. Next CYCLE?? What happened to this one? Is it over? She said the doc doesn't think I'm going to O and if AF hasn't shown by the 30th, call for some Provera to induce AF. Well, I kept temping and kept using the monitor. cd16, cd17, cd18. The days were ticking by and I couldn't figure out what the hell happened this month. Well, on cd19, I got a surge!! I was SO excited. I called the clinic and they said to come in the next morning for my IUI!!
I had the IUI on the 19th (cd20) and my temp rose on the 21st (cd22). I must have O'd on the night of cd20 or morning of cd21. Either way, the timing was right. In the meantime, I had already scheduled another consult with the RE (hadn't seen him since the IVF consult) for Tuesday, the 22nd (yesterday). I had a lot of questions about the septum, wanted to get Chris' bloodwork results, and wanted to see what my chances of getting pg this cycle were.
The appointment was great! Chris' tests were all normal, except a slightly elevated FSH, indicating testicular failure. He said it's probably genetic and if we had a son, could be passed on. We were still convinced (and still ARE) that donor IUI is the best route for us, so that was no longer a concern. He said my septum would need to be fixed surgically if I get pg and miscarry, or if we do 3 cycles and don't get pg. I'm happy with that answer. He also seemed concerned about my late O and wanted to make sure it DID happen, so he ordered a progesterone test. A level above 10 at 5-7dpo would indicate that I did O.
Today, I got the call from the clinic that my level was 10.4!! It's already there and I was only 2dpo. That's good! So now we just wait for December 1st, when I can test. For now, not many people know what we're doing. We're planning on being 'wide open' about the donor process, telling the child from a young age and anyone else that wants to know. However, I would LOVE to be able to surprise my parents at Christmas with a pregnancy announcement, so I'm keeping it quiet for a little bit longer. If this cycle doesn't work, I'll tell them what we're doing. For now, my sister, one coworker at my work, one at Chris' work, and my online friends know.
Wow, that was long, but so much has happened. Hopefully, there's more to come in about 8 days!! I'll only be 12dpo, but the doc said I could test then if I wanted. I can't guarantee I'll wait that long, but I'm going to try!
At 9:08 AM,
DarrellH said…
WOW! LOL. I am glad you found another babymaking route. IVF is just so expensive! I can't believe you needed a psych evaluation either! No one ever questioned us!
I am so hoping this cycle works for you! My 2ww is up on the 7th. Waiting is so hard. But aren't you super excited knowing that the problem has been fixed or stepped around and there is such a CHANCE this month??? Hope is lovely! :D
At 3:59 PM,
Stephanie said…
Yes, waiting is definitely the hardest part! I only have a week and a day left, so I'm getting anxious! I hope this cycle works for you, too!! It's the first time we've actually had a chance to get pg, so it's definitely exciting.
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